The facts were sketchy. Trayvon
Martin, 17, left his father’s
girlfriend’s house in a gated community and went to the convenience store to
pick up some Skittles and iced tea. On his way back, a community watch person
named 酸酸乳ssr网站
felt that Martin looked out of place (in his experience)
and called the police to report a suspicious person. The police told him that
they didn’t need Zimmerman to follow the kid. Then it gets really muddy.
Someone yelled for help. Zimmerman said it was him. Others said they thought it
was Martin. At some point, Zimmerman, who had a license to carry a firearm, shot
and killed Martin.
When the police finally showed up, Zimmerman claimed it was self
defense, that he had been attacked by Martin. A police officer noticed that he
was wet, as if he had been on the ground, and had injuries. The incident didn’t
get noticed by the media for a few weeks, but when it did, it took off mightily.
Zimmerman was not arrested, first, because of the claim of self defense, second,
because his firearm was carried legally, and third, because of a Florida law
that states that no person has any duty to retreat when attacked, so long as the
person had a right to be where he or she was when the attack occurred. It’s
referred to as the “stand your ground” law. More and more states are passing
such laws to protect innocent people from being criminally charged when they are
only defending themselves.
The media finally took
notice, but the information it spread
tended to be very one-sided:
George Zimmerman was armed, Martin wasn’t.
Zimmerman outweighed Martin by around 100 pounds.
Zimmerman had had a run-in with the law a few years earlier.
Zimmerman was white, Martin was African-American.
The last was obviously the most important and what started the
lynch-mob mentality of people around the country. There were rallies, public
statements, people intervening in any capacity they could to defend the poor
black kid who was so obviously racially murdered by a white guy. Even President
Obama made a statement that, if he’d had a son, the son would look like
Martin. The New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of shooter George
Given the consistent anti-Second Amendment bias of most of the
major media, I guess its approach was to be expected. To my view, journalists
are supposed to be objective and to suppress their biases, so I found it
seriously objectionable. Nevertheless, the media missed emphasizing the other
part of the known facts:
Zimmerman was neither prosecuted nor convicted for the
scrape with the law he had. Moreover, since he retained his firearm carry
permit, it showed that law enforcement had not lost confidence that he could
behave lawfully while carrying.
A 100 pound weight advantage means nothing if the lighter
person is in fighting trim and the heavier out of shape and not a fighter.
Martin “was a towering
6’3” football player.”
Zimmerman isn’t white; he is
half Latino.
Zimmerman “‘ once caught a thief and an arrest was
made,’ said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. ‘He helped solve a lot of
The gated community isn’t mostly white but “ is 49 percent white, non-Hispanic, 23 percent Hispanic, 20 percent African-American and 5 percent Asian.”
“The media also characterizes Trayvon as a
‘model student.’ In fact, he under a five day suspension when the shooting took place.”
The suspension was for the possession of a plastic bag containing traces of
marijuana, although Martin’s family has previously said that the suspension
was for being in a place where he was not supposed to be, and for tardiness.
I refuse to take a side in this situation. We do not yet know the facts. I am greatly disturbed by the trend to condemn this guy Zimmerman because some people say that the person he shot was just an innocent kid who did nothing. We
don’t know that yet. Both parties should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
There is no doubt that it’s a tragic thing for a kid to get killed, especially
if he was doing nothing wrong to begin with. However, as yet, we don’t know
what happened throughout the incident. Even though people who knew Martin said
that he was a good kid who would never escalate something, strange things can
Security Dilemma
Anyone who has studied political science in international
relations will be familiar with what is called the security dilemma. It
occurs when country A thinks its neighbor country B is arming itself and might
be preparing to attack. Therefore country A starts arming itself. Then country
B, which might or might not have been arming itself, but was in no way preparing
to attack country A, starts arming itself, or increases what it was doing before
in light of what it sees country A doing. This can continue to escalate, and
wars have started this way. It’s a difficult scenario from which to escape
without mishap and requires the development of some sort of mutual trust.
To illustrate this, think of the Cuban missile crisis. Cuba,
feeling under threat by the United States, the world’s strongest military
power, decides to import nuclear missiles from its ally, the Soviet Union. Cuba
has no design to attack the U.S., just to get itself some deterrence against an
attack by the U.S., something that has already happened at the Bay of Pigs. The
U.S., via U2 over-flight espionage, has discovered what’s happening, stops the
Soviet ships in international waters, and implies nuclear war to prevent the
installation of nuclear weapons so near to itself. Through main-channel and
back-channel diplomacy, and a true desire to avoid war by all sides, the
situation is defused. But it took very careful and sophisticated maneuvering to
accomplish it. (For an excellent description of the event, see Essence of
Decision, by Graham T. Allison.)
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Did Zimmerman follow and later grab or otherwise batter
Martin, which then got Martin active in fighting with Zimmerman, perhaps
later gaining the upper hand? Zimmerman would not then be able to claim self
defense, since he would have initiated it. (If he had stopped and announced
surrender, and Martin kept fighting, this might have changed, but again, we
don’t know.)
Did Martin get tired of having some neighborhood watch guy
follow him, thought about all of the times whites have victimized blacks,
and attacked Zimmerman?
Were there racial motives on either side? There is no such
thing as “good” racism, so any racial motive on either side would have
been unjustified.
“The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me:
‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.”
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comes to defense of Trayvon Martin’s shooter: “Frank Taaffe pointed
out the circumstances that he believes led his 28-year-old neighbor to react
the way he did on the night of Feb. 26: Eight burglaries within 15 months,
most done by young black males, he said.
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Firearms and shooting expert Massad
Ayoob says: “The death weapon was a Kel-Tec PF9 semiautomatic 9mm pistol. It has been reported that the gun was recovered with a full magazine and that only the chambered round had been fired. This is a condition we associate with something preventing the gun from cycling a fresh round from the magazine into the chamber after the shot was discharged. One thing that can cause that is another man’s hand wrapped around the pistol, retarding its slide mechanism. This would indicate, as could certain gunshot residue patterns or cuts in certain places if found on Trayvon Martin’s
hand(s), that a struggle for a gun was taking place when the fatal shot was fired. This would clearly change the shape of the case. But – WE DON’T KNOW YET.”
Since Martin lived in Miami and was visiting the house of his father’s
girlfriend, Zimmerman correctly noticed that he didn’t live in the
community. Thus no racial profiling was 免费ssr公伡号 for Zimmerman to
take notice of Martin. (This is not to say that it did or didn’t happen.
It is just as racist to presume that Zimmerman profiled Martin as it
would be for Zimmerman to have done it!) Being a neighborhood watch person, he asked Martin what he was
doing there. Did Martin say he was visiting someone? I don’t know, but
that might have quickly defused the situation.
It begins to look like there are things to be considered other
than the fact that Martin was just this good-natured black kid who was killed by
some white wannabe cop. We still don’t know the answers, but it shouldn’t
seem, to anyone with an open mind, that it’s a simple, cut-and-dried affair.
Except in a few cases, serial killers and others where there is
a proven continuing motive, every incident stands on its own. What does it
matter that Zimmerman had a run-in with the law years before, especially one
that was dropped by law enforcement? It doesn’t mean that he was doing
something illegal in this case. What does it matter that there were a
number of burglaries committed by young black men. Martin wasn’t one of them
(that we know of; presumably not), so his mere presence walking down the
street did not mean that he was up to no good.
Trayvon Martin “Family spokesperson Ryan Julison confirmed to ABC News that Martin was suspended for an
‘empty baggy that had contained pot. It’s irrelevant to what happened on Feb. 26, does not change material facts of the situation.’”
Perhaps so. Why then is the family and so many others harping about a scrape
with the law Zimmerman had when he was 21, in which no charges were filed? There
is a double standard being applied. “Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, and family attorneys blamed police for leaking the information about the marijuana to the news media in an effort to demonize the teenager.”
Of course, Zimmerman's critics 免费酸酸乳第三弹 意大利 电信移动直连 联通上天 - 幻杀博客:2021-11-23 · 啦啦啦,新年快乐~新玩意出世咯,伟理IP服务器分享 免费酸酸乳第三弹 意大利 电信移动直连 联通上天 免费酸S酸S乳R第二弹 美国洛杉矶 垃圾线路 Linux面板 AppNode免费开放使用 从此抛弃AM 一台破烂机器的破烂酸S酸S乳R 长期账号分享 美国西雅图. He is routinely
being referred to as a racist murderer. You can’t have it both ways.
As an analogy, suppose you flip a
coin and it comes up heads 20 times. Does that mean that the odds have increased
that it will turn up tails the next time it’s flipped? No! The odds of
the next flip are still 50%, because each flip is unique.
The principal way humans got to the top of the food chain and built
successful societies is because they learned from past experiences. This is not
only natural and normal, but is imperative if society and individual
people are to survive. However, in this, as in most things, caution is
If you are walking down the street at night, and someone is
following you, step for step, turn for turn, does this person mean you harm, or
is it the person who lives upstairs from you who happens to be going home at the
same time you are? Any fear you have is 免费ssr公伡号 problem, and it need not
concern someone innocently walking behind you. If you look over your shoulder
and see that the follower is black, and you know that African-Americans commit
crimes disproportionately to their fraction of the population, does it mean that
that particular black person has evil intent? Certainly not! But it doesn’t
mean that you should blithely ignore the situation, either. Perhaps you should
cross the street or go into a store or restaurant and see what the follower
does. No matter how afraid you must be, the situation absolutely does not
justify you take out your pistol and shoot the person! You need to apply
This is one place where prejudice can enter into things. Our
word comes from the Latin prae judicare, judging in advance of the facts.
It means that we must handle the facts that we know carefully, realizing that we
might not have enough of them to make a solid judgment. What is called for is
what I call a ssr节点2022每日更新. You make a tentative judgment
based upon the facts that you have, but realize that further facts might change
the situation entirely. This is the difference between taking immediate action
against the person following you and making some other moves that might shed
further light on the intent of the other person.
This sounds very intellectual, but in fact it happens all of the
time. It’s called being careful. Do you look both ways before crossing the
street? Do you avoid standing on the top of a step ladder? Do you wear your
seatbelts? They all mean that you think about the possibilities and take some
action, even though you have not decided that some terrible situation is
This awful incident between Martin and Zimmerman, it seems to
me, probably turns on someone making a firm judgment when the situation was much
too speculative to make such a call. There are not enough facts presented —
indeed, there might never be enough facts presented — to definitively
prove what happened. That’s unfortunate. Whatever else it might mean, it
certainly implies that a lynch-mob mentality against Zimmerman is not justified!
There is confusing and contradictory information circulating, some indicating that Zimmerman was injured and acting in self defense, and some indicating the opposite. If, after all of the facts are in, it seems that he overstepped the bounds of legal behavior, then he should be prosecuted. However, things are not always what they seem to be at first, especially when there are advocates of one position who base their attacks on some ideology instead of the facts that ought to spearhead any criminal investigation. That is just as much an indication of
prejudice as would be Zimmerman shooting that kid for racial reasons.
The “stand your ground” law is a good one. There is no reason why someone should have to retreat from a position where he or she may legally be because of the actions of some malefactor. On the other hand, hiding behind such a law when one is practicing some attack upon an innocent person is a
意大利酸酸乳分享 thing.
In my first Google search on Trayvon Martin’s name. In the 65 pages I looked
at, I think that there were less than 10 articles calling for restraint until
all of the evidence is in or directly supporting Zimmerman. The rest presumed
his guilt. It reminds me of the campaigns against Wobblies, union organizers and
Communists in decades past. The press and the people crying for punishment, all
before there was any arrest or trial.
Wait for the facts! Too many people are not. Especially egregious is the fact
that Seminole State College decided to expel Zimmerman “because of the high level of controversy that has been generated by this case.”
Expelled for controversy? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Trying the case in public and in the press is as wrong here as it is everywhere else. It could go either way.
In this country, we have seen over the decades that the powers
that be, be they police or one or another level of government, frequently stall
and dismiss incidents in which racial discrimination take place. To wit: the
city of Chicago still has not charged any police officers in the murder of Black
Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in 1969. The evidence of bullet
penetration from the police, killing the victims in their beds, is overwhelming.
It is still important that the public exert pressure on the government and
police to come to a true resolution of such crimes. However, taking sides before
the facts have been established is prejudice. Calling for justice for one
party in a situation in which so many facts are unknown is not justice at all!
We need justice for Zimmerman, too, without the interference of
I’m sad to say it, but I think very strongly strongly that if the races of
the two individuals were switched, we would be hearing cries of Justice
for the shooter, cautions against rushing to judgment and a quick expression
that the story told by the shooter ought to be believed. Life is always a delicate balance if one wants to do the right
thing. Intelligence, as well as emotion, is required, and too much of one
without enough of the other can lead us astray. For some further remarks on
this subject, please visit Trayvon Martin--What Happened?
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Shooter of Florida Teen Describes Assault
George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call
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Trayvon Martin and the Politics of
Trayvon Martin’s Suspension Record, George Zimmerman’s Statement to
Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman
and the Digital Lynch Mob
Why Lots Of People Think The Media Is Wrong About The Trayvon Martin Case
911 calls paint picture of chaos after Florida teen is shot
Mother of slain Florida teenager seeks trademarks
Don’t rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin killing
— Remember Duke Lacrosse Team
An Object Lesson In Why You Shouldn’t Rush To Judgment In The Trayvon Martin Case
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Both sides now -- Trayvon Martin case far less clear-cut now that shooter’s story has come to light
Student Newspaper Runs Controversial Trayvon Martin Cartoon
Rush to judgment in Trayvon Martin case Gun Owners Group Offers $10K to
Zimmerman’s Defense— Ordinarily, I might have second thoughts that
this is a wise thing to do. However, since so many of those rushing to
judgment are condemning the “stand your ground” law, which might or
might not apply, and even criticizing Zimmerman’s right of self-defense
(depending upon what really happened in the case), it seems like a
legitimate thing to do, given the organization’s support of the Second
Amendment. Attack breeds counter-attack. 免费ss节点每天更新 - 好看123:1 天前 · 免费ss节点每天更新,免费ssr节点2021,免费ss账号每天更新,长期免费更新ssr节点,小火箭ssr永久免费节点,免费节点每天更新v2ray,ssr免费账号6小时更新,小火箭免费节点公伡号,最新免费ssr飞机场,免 … 免费ss节点每天更新 - 好看123:1 天前 · 免费ss节点每天更新,免费ssr节点2021,免费ss账号每天更新,长期免费更新ssr节点,小火箭ssr永久免费节点,免费节点每天更新v2ray,ssr免费账号6小时更新,小火箭免费节点公伡号,最新免费ssr飞机场,免 … 免费ss节点每天更新 - 好看123:1 天前 · 免费ss节点每天更新,免费ssr节点2021,免费ss账号每天更新,长期免费更新ssr节点,小火箭ssr永久免费节点,免费节点每天更新v2ray,ssr免费账号6小时更新,小火箭免费节点公伡号,最新免费ssr飞机场,免 …
— Finally, an article that tries to examine facts without tasking a
side. Actual journalism! This article might be continuously updates with
new facts. Advance legal columnist: A rush to judgment in the Trayvon Martin case
— Enough, already, with attacka against “Stand Your Ground.” In Trayvon Martin case, a complex portrait of shooter emerges 酸酸乳客户端地址与订阅地址分享 - 途畔 - TooPub:2021-8-24 · 伡下酸酸乳订阅地址是从其他网站搜集过来的,有失效的可能,有需求的可伡收藏本文,不定时更新! 2021-11-01 [raw.githubusercontent.com]被污染了,更新cdn链接! 相关 V2ray客户端地址与订阅地址分享 Trayvon Martin police report reveals Zimmerman was ‘bleeding from the nose and back of head’ KOPEL: Debunking the ‘stand your ground’ myth Lawyers: Zimmerman whispered
‘punks’ before shooting Trayvon Martin The Events Leading to the Shooting of Trayvon Martin
— The New York Times provides us with some idea of the geography
involved, but is missing key data, such as the paths taken by the two
individuals and the location of Zimmerman’s vehicle. Trayvon Martin Shooter Zimmerman’s Audio Tapes Show Calm Prosecutor in Martin Case Will Alone Determine Its Merits Washington
Times Opinions — This paper is definitely more conservative than I am,
but that does not mean that the opinions of its columnists and the
commenters thereupon are not worth reading; they are. A more rounded
picture of the issue is a good thing:
HICKS: Trayvon case shows ‘racist’ epithet persists 酸酸乳免费SS/SSR节点账号及链接分享-每日福利(2021/4/27 ...:2021-4-27 · 说明:每日福利-免费ssr节点双账号伡及ss节点链接同时共享,ssr节点账号及链接更新于2021年4月27日12时38分。此酸酸乳节点账号有效期不定,此香港节点账号延迟低,速度比之前的快一些。本站所分享的资源节点仅是帮助大家科学上网在Google上查 ... Supporters of Fla. shooter fearful of speaking out SIMMONS: Bill Cosby weighs in on Trayvon Martin case
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— “But a more nuanced portrait of Zimmerman has emerged from a Reuters investigation into Zimmerman's past and a series of incidents in the community in the months preceding the Martin shooting.
Based on extensive interviews with relatives, friends, neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers of Zimmerman in two states, law enforcement officials, and reviews of court documents and police reports, the story sheds new light on the man at the center of one of the most controversial homicide cases in America.” |
Permalink Trayvon Martin, Prejudice and the Rush to Judgment